Friday, October 10, 2008


"My efforts mean nothing to you do they?" I asked him, but he just stared back into my eyes. The look on his face was one of utter content. "I'll never be good enough for you, you with your soft skin and your beautiful blue eyes, I know I'll never reach that level, but throw me a bone! What do I have to do to gain your respect? I mean honestly, I take care of you 24/7, I get you everything you need, never has there been a day in your life that I didn't wait on you hand and foot, and you can't spare so much as a simple 'thank you'! Sometimes you make me want to just leave you alone on some strangers porch, you drive me up the wall, but I couldn't do that, could I? Not yet I suppose, you atleast need to learn to talk before I know for sure the measure of your gratitude, besides, you are pretty cute. I guess it's your lucky day pal, how 'bout we go see if the Teletubbies are on?"

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